Medical Coding and Billing in Connecticut
Every industry ebbs and flows, but health care has been in a constant state of growth for several years now. Furthermore, experts believe that this industry will continue to expand and evolve for many years to come as the Affordable Care Act impacts care standards, requirements, and reporting standards.
This has had a significant effect on health care institutions in Colorado. As the amount of uninsured residents drops all over Connecticut, hospitals and clinics are seeing a significant increase in their patient numbers and medical needs. In turn, institutions have ramped up their hiring procedures to try to keep up with demand.
Medical billing and coding specialists fill an important role in Connecticut, especially with the creation of new health insurance plans and policies. Find out if this is the right career path for you and how you can get started by contacting medical coding and billing programs in Connecticut.
What to Expect in Connecticut Medical Coding and Billing Training
As you look through the variety of medical coding and billing schools in Connecticut, you may wonder what it’s like to earn a degree in this field. First, you have to select which type of diploma or degree you want. Programs in Connecticut range from one semester to four semesters, depending on what your future educational goals are and what employers in your area expect.
Regardless of which type of program you choose, you can plan on studying the same basic concepts. To be a valuable asset to the field of medical coding and billing, you must have a strong knowledge of computer programs, billing procedures and standards, ICD-10, and proper handling of health care information.
To give you a flexible education, your program may include courses like Medical Insurance Billing, Advanced Medical Coding, Medical Office Terminology, Medical Office Concepts, Medical Records Management, and CPT Coding. By the time you complete your education, you should have a strong idea of what it’s like to work in the health care industry and what will be expected of you as a medical billing professional.
Throughout Connecticut, there are many employers and organizations that fund scholarships for health care students. Day Kimball awards thousands of dollars in scholarships every year.
Working as a Medical Billing and Coding Professional in Connecticut
Once you finish your education, you are well on your way to working in the field of medical coding and billing in Connecticut. Although most health care careers require licensure, this field does not. However, certification has many benefits, including universal standards that employers understand and proof of your knowledge in this industry. If you are interested in becoming certified in medical billing and coding, you may want to look at options through AAPC.
In Connecticut, job growth in medical billing and coding is expected to be in line with national averages. Between 2012 and 2022, an 18% increase in job openings is expected (O*Net, 2014). Salaries in this state tend to be significantly higher than national averages; medical billing specialists earn an average of $42,070 per year in Connecticut (O*Net, 2015).
As insurance companies and government agencies experience a huge increase in claims and services, they’ll rely on billing specialists more and more. Find out how you can make a difference in this field by contacting medical billing and coding programs in Connecticut.