Idaho Pharmacy Technician Schools
Throughout Idaho, thousands of people rely on pharmaceutical medications to make it through the day with their health intact, without any chronic or acute pain, and with the freedom to enjoy life to the fullest. Learning how to fill and pass medications can make you a valuable asset to the field of health care in Idaho. Request information from the programs listed below to learn more about pharmacy technician schools in Idaho.
After you complete a pharmacy tech program in this state, you may be able to work at one of the state’s many retail pharmacies, clinic pharmacies, or in-hospital pharmacies. These are fast-paced work settings that can test your skills and knowledge to the fullest.
Pharmacy Technician Schools in Idaho
As you examine the various pharmacy technician programs available in Idaho, you may notice that there are several types of pharmacy tech programs. The most advanced option is an Associate’s program, which requires two years of school and the completion of 60 credits.
If you want to complete your education more quickly, you may opt for a certificate or diploma program.
The courses you are required to take build a strong knowledge of medications and the practical skills you need to work with them. As you work through your curriculum, you may take classes like Pharmacy Practice, Dosage Calculations, Anatomy and Physiology of Mechanical Structures, Pharmacology for Mechanical Structures, Pharmacy Law and Ethics, Visceral Structures, and Parenteral Compounding.
After you complete your required classroom courses, you may be ready to complete an internship or a clinical rotation at a local pharmacy. This experience allows you to learn from experienced pharmacy technicians and see how your knowledge holds up in a real work setting. Furthermore, you may also start building professional connections with others in the field and learn about employment opportunities that may be ready for you after graduation.
Working as a Pharmacy Technician in Idaho
In general, the field of health care is highly regulated. This is true in the field of pharmacy technology. Before you start working, you must get your pharmacy technician certification Idaho. When you get close to finishing your education, you can apply for certification through the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board. Once you have certification as a tech, you can apply for state licensure through the Idaho State Board of Pharmacy. When this step is finished, you can start your new career.
Idaho has a positive job outlook for pharmacy technicians, so this may be the place that you want to start your career. By the year 2022, O*Net predicts a 32% increase in pharmacy tech jobs. This growth rate is 12% higher than the national average (O*Net, 2012).
Salary ranges in this state tend to be slightly higher than nationally reported averages. The statewide average income for a pharmacy technician is $31,100 per year (O*Net, 2014).
The field of health care is growing, so why not get involved now? Learn more about how to become a pharmacy technician in Idaho by contacting Idaho pharmacy tech schools today.