Medical Assistant Schools in California
Obtaining your medical assistant certification in California is a great way to tap into the benefits of working within the state’s healthcare system. Health services professions continue to grow across the nation, and if you are considering medical assistant training in California, we can help simplify the process.Find medical assistant schools in California for proper medical assistant training to be successful in this healthcare industry and start your career today!
The State Medical Board of California oversees all of the approved certification and training programs to become a medical assistant in the state and sets regulations for practice. According to the board, Medical Assistants are unlicensed personnel that provide non-invasive technical support and assisting in medical clinics and offices. All Medical Assistants in California must be supervised at all times by a licensed healthcare provider such as a Nurse Practitioner, Physician, Surgeon, Podiatrist, Nurse Midwife or Physician’s Assistant.
Medical Assisting Degrees in California
Medical Assistant Education in California
Although healthcare is an essential industry across the United States, it is particularly important in large states like California. In California, the healthcare industry has to meet the needs of many diverse populations without costing an excessive amount of money.
One of the ways that healthcare facilities keep costs low is by employing assistants in different specialties. Becoming a medical assistant is often a quick way to get started in this field and find out if healthcare is the right choice for your career. A
s this field has expanded, the demand for assistants in clinical care and administrative work has increased. You could be a natural fit for this field if you work well in fast-paced environments, have an eye for detail, and enjoy being part of a team. By comparing different medical assistant programs in the Bay Area and other parts of California, you may find out which training option is best for you.
Medical Assisting Classes in California
- Medical Terminology
- Pathophysiology
- Pharmacology
- Exam Room Procedures
A standard medical assistant program is a popular choice throughout California. Students who complete a medical assisting program may split their time between clinical and administrative duties, making them indispensable to local healthcare institutions.
If you choose to attend a medical assistant program, try to select one that offers plenty of hands-on experience. Working with patients is a major part of your career, and you want to be comfortable with it by the time you graduate. During your clinical rotations, you may work under the guidance of registered nurses, physicians, and other high-level medical professionals.
If you would like to learn more about Medical Assistant programs in California, simply contact the schools on this page to learn more. There are different career routes that can be pursued, so investigate as many medical assistant training programs as you need to find the right one!
Medical Assistant Education in California
With dozens of schools to choose from, you may find the process of finding a California medical assistant certification program overwhelming at first. We are here to help, by providing you with a full listing that outlines which programs are offered at each school. Take some time to contact the schools that interest you right away, then read through our resources and careers pages to learn more about each specific program.
As you search, note which of the medical assisting programs in California are accredited, as you may be required by future employers to obtain national certification. While the State of California itself does not require any formal licensing, there are employers who may require you to meet national standards before hiring you.
Most medical assistant training in California will involve learning basic medical terminology, human anatomy, interpersonal communication techniques and health care ethics training. Depending upon which type of medical assistant program you choose, you will likely receive specialized courses that are specific to the field you are studying.
For example, some specialty courses you may take could include medical billing and coding, dental assisting, patient care procedures or ultrasound procedures. The sheer number of possibilities to become a medical assistant in California make it difficult to say exactly how long it may take before you can get a job as a medical assistant. If you are going for your first time certification or diploma, you may be able to complete it in a year or less. However, if you are planning to earn a degree, you will likely need to spend at least two years in school.
Requesting information about California Medical Assistant certification straight from the schools is your best first step. Click the links next to the schools on this page to get started.
Learn More About Medical Assisting Programs in Your City
Medical Assisting Careers in California
There are many reasons that you may be interested in getting involved in the field of medical assisting. However, if you’re like many people, you have been drawn in by the extremely promising job outlook in this field. As the healthcare industry has expanded in California, the need for professionals at all levels of education has grown. Getting involved in this field now may put you in an excellent position to explore a wide range of job options and make a difference in the health system of your local community. Pursuing medical assistant certification in California may help you broaden your job search considerably.
When you look at local job growth statistics, you may see that California is an excellent place to work in healthcare. Between 2014 and 2024, job openings for medical assistants may increase 28% in California (O*Net, 2017). During the same decade, demand for medical records technicians may swell 20% (O*Net, 2017). A 19% boost in job openings for nursing assistants may take place between 2014 and 2024 (O*Net, 2017). The statewide need for medical secretaries may swell 21% by 2024 (O*Net, 2017).
No one knows exactly what the future of healthcare may bring, but you may continue to see the need for healthcare professionals increase in California. Some legislators believe that universal healthcare is just over the horizon in this state (Mercury News, 2017). This change would completely reshape the medical industry and demand increased employment rates in dozens of healthcare career paths.
Depending on which specialty you select in the field of medical assisting, you may have many different work environments to consider in California. Many new graduates choose to work in hospitals or clinics, as these are the two most widely accessible healthcare facilities in California. Others choose to work in nursing homes, health insurance companies, or home care companies.
Listed below are all of the schools offering Medical Assistant programs in California. As a rule, you should contact at least 3-5 schools during the course of your research, and ideally more. There are important differences between the programs in terms of cost, admissions requirements, and other characteristics, and, as with many things in life, the way to find the best Medical Assistant program for your needs is to spend some time shopping around.
Here Are The Medical Assistant Schools…
Salary numbers provided are from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.