Medical Assistant Schools in Idaho
If you’ve ever considered a career in the medical industry, now may be the right time to start your training and earn your degree. Due to changes in health care legislation at the state and federal levels, many Idaho health care facilities have found themselves with severe shortages of medical professionals. These facilities may increase their hiring of medical assistants, since medical assistants can provide a variety of administrative and clinical skills.
Each institution’s patient base is only expected to grow, as SF Gate recently reported that Idaho’s insurance exchange board recently approved 261 health insurance plans. Adults, children, and seniors who could not get coverage before may be seeking services at Idaho facilities in coming months and years.

Though Idaho has come far in its health coverage, the Idaho Press indicates that increasing coverage even more is one of the state’s largest goals. This can mean good things for your job outlook if you complete your medical assistant training.
The importance of medical assistants is important when you look at data provided by the Idaho Department of Labor. The majority of the state’s fastest-growing jobs are in the health care industry.
You may also be able to take advantage of certain benefits by studying in Idaho. The American Association of Medical Assistants has an Idaho branch, as well as branches in three of Idaho’s largest cities.
Medical Assistant Education in Idaho
Before you can start building up your experience in this field and making a difference at local health care facility, you need to expand your education in many different areas of health care. The more well-educated you are, the more the doctors and nurses in your facility can rely on you and trust your judgment! To reach this level of competence, anticipate spending about one to two years in school. Popular options in Idaho include certificate, diploma, and Associate’s degree programs.
Your early medical assisting classes may focus on basic medical knowledge and theory. You need a thorough understanding in this area to be a contributing member of a health care team. Your first semester may have courses like Medical Bioethics, Medical Terminology, Pharmacology, and Diseases of the Human Body.
In later semesters, you’ll still work on theory, however, you’ll likely spend some of your study time learning clinical procedures and using them in a real clinical setting. Classes like Medical Coding and Insurance, Medical Office Management, and Clinical Competencies. These classes lead up to an externship or practicum in which you work with an experienced medical assistant.
Paying for school is often a big stressor for new students, but it doesn’t have to be if you plan ahead and start applying for scholarships earlier. Idaho has quite a few organizations and employers that fund scholarships for health care students. The Idaho Public Health Association awards two scholarships of $500 each during every school year. Another local source for scholarships is IdahoSTARS, which provides funding for people in training and degree programs.
Medical Assisting Careers in Idaho
If you complete your training and work hard to learn the necessary skills, you may have a positive job outlook. Between 2012 and 2022, O*Net anticipates a 23 percent increase in job openings for medical assistants. Each year, this works out to almost 100 new jobs in Idaho (O*Net, 2012).
Listed below are all of the schools offering Medical Assistant programs in Idaho. As a rule, you should contact at least 3-5 schools during the course of your research, and ideally more. There are important differences between the programs in terms of cost, admissions requirements, and other characteristics, and, as with many things in life, the way to find the best Medical Assistant program for your needs is to spend some time shopping around.
Here Are The Medical Assistant Schools…
Salary numbers provided are from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.